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Find a roommate (Off-Campus)!

Public·167 members
5 days ago · joined the group along with Grayson Frey.

Hey Everyone

My name is Shivein, i am a senior at Sftv. Looking for one or two roommates to get an apt or house for next semester with and budget is not an issue.

One more thing, DM me on my IG my number isn’t working right now @shiveingupta

5 days ago

Hi I’m a junior at sftv and am also looking. My Instagram is leor_zinati


Hello, my name is max and I’m going into my senior year at LMU. I still need housing for next year so If you’re looking for a roommate please text me at 805-403-1468.

5 days ago

Hey i would be interested, DM me on my IG- @shiveingupta

5 days ago · joined the group.


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